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Thursday, March 18, 2010

Episode 1 "Turn me into a Bitch why don't you"

“Urgh!!!! Traffic is horrible. Lady if you were gonna get in front of me why drive slow. You shoulda stayed in your lane.” Driving home from work every day in Atlanta was a killer. I loved my job at “Liberty Magazine” but the drive to and from work was horrific. I owned a three bedroom condo in the city of Atlanta and worked in Dunwoody. I hated traffic.

I’d been living in Atlanta for seven years now. I was originally from Tennessee but moved from there to here to pursue my writing career. When I first got here I thought I’d made a horrible mistake. I couldn’t find a job to save my life. That was only because I insisted on only working somewhere in the press or media. I couldn’t find a thing. So for a month I settled on McDonalds. At the time I had a studio apartment right across the street from my job (I had no car) and saved all that I could. About a month after I got hired at McDonalds, my now supervisor Jeff Brinks called and wanted to do an interview. I’ve been working there ever since.
In the midst of that month, I met my boyfriend Keith and my two best friends Michelle and Shanece. After working at Liberty for three years, I brought myself my first condo. Of course my mother was reluctant on me moving here but I did it anyway and now that my life is smooth; a healthy five year relationship with Keith, good friends, nice home, nice car, my mom has finally calmed down with all the drama and let me live a little bit.

I pulled off my exit and stopped at the red light. My Bluetooth beeped in my ear as my cell phone rang. I looked down to see my girl Michelle calling. (Drama Queen)
“Girl I’m so pissed right now.”
“What is it now Michelle?” Michelle was married with no children. Only been married for three months and was having an affair.
“James was supposed to leave a long time ago and I need to meet Ray for lunch and…well you know.”
“Michelle didn’t I tell you about messing around. You’ve only been married three months and you’re already having an affair. Come on. What did you marry him for?” I just knew Michelle had been seeing Ray way before she got married but she swore she didn’t meet him until after they got back from the honeymoon. I thought that was pure bullshit.
“Kami, come on. Please don’t do this. I’m not in the mood to hear one of your lectures.” She said back. I could tell she was annoyed. I heard her exhale the cigarette smoke as she talked.
“Well don’t call me with this mess then. I told you to leave Ray alone and work on your marriage. So what if James can’t please you in the bed. You need to talk to your husband and tell him how you feel. Teach him how to please you. Go to a sex store; see a sex therapist or something. Don’t cheat him.” She annoyed me every time she called about Ray.
“Whatever, I gotta go. I gotta figure out a way to get out of here.”
“Bye” I clicked my Bluetooth off and threw it on the seat of my black 2008 Camero. I couldn’t understand how women treat good men so wrong. James was a wonderful husband. He treated her like a princess. She had whatever she wanted, drove a brand new Mercedes and everything; spent her days in a nail shop or hair shop. Anything less than Gucci was not up to par. I hated that she acted that way.

I loved Keith with all my heart. I could never see myself mistreating him or purposely trying to hurt me. I couldn’t do it. I had so many people around me slashing tires cause’ they man cheated or left, coming to his house all hours of the night of baby mama baby daddy drama. It was just too much. Who in the hell wastes their life trying to ruin someone else’s life? I didn’t understand it.
I met Keith while working at McDonalds. He was coming through drive through for breakfast. I’d already given him his food and coffee but he wanted to hold up the line and get to know me. Traffic was backed up for five minutes just so he could get my number.

“I’m at work. Why don’t you come back later?” I told him as he insisted on taking me out.
“Aww come on. You can’t give me your number now?” He said. I watched as he smiled at me with his bright smile and chocolate brown skin. I’d never seen a man so fine and sexy. At the time, I didn’t know he was 6’0 foot. He was sitting in the car but from the looks of things he was tall and slim; rich too driving a brand new BMW. What in the hell would he want with a McDonalds girl? But I finally let him take me out a week later after he showed up at my job in the drive thru three times.
We’d had five wonderful happy years of being together and I knew the topic of marriage was coming up soon. He called me earlier this week to plan a romantic evening at my house tonight. I offered to cook and set the scene. He said he would bring the extras…a ring maybe? I hoped. I hoped this was the night he asked me to be his wife.

I pulled up to my condo a few minutes later and pulled into the garage. I could my dog Disney scratching the door; she wasn’t a barker. Disney is a Japanese Chin Dog, white fur with a bit of black on her face. She’s so precious, quiet and loving. Very spoiled. She was my present to myself after a year of living in my Condo. I hurried in to greet her and to get ready for my date with my I hope-soon-to-be fiancé.
“Hi baby. Did you miss mommy? Come on, let’s go out back and get some air.” I let Disney out and checked the mail as I sat in my “writing chair” on my back porch. The weather was beautiful this time of year in Atlanta. I loved May. I sat for a few minutes while Disney did her business. I thought back to my trip to Atlanta.
“Kami, do you have to move?” My mom asked. “You know your sister needs you.” My older sister Keana was married with a baby on the way at the time. She was planning on being a stay at home mom. She didn’t need me. But it was her way of trying to convince me to stay.
“Mama, I need to find my own way. I really do. Please don’t make this harder than what it is.” I was twenty years old at the time. There was nothing in Tennessee for me. I had to leave. I’d been on a path to be a published author and it wasn’t going to happen in Tennessee. Disney rubbed up against my leg when I came out of my daydream.
“No more looking back huh Disney? Things are truly looking up for Mama.” I picked her up and went into the house to get ready for Keith.
I made sure the food was done before he arrived; Steak, Shrimp, his choice not mine, Buttered Potatoes and Green Beans was on the menu. Of course a little bubbly. At 9:30I threw on my black and red tight fitted dress. It fit my 5’3 thick frame beautifully. My long golden brown hair was in waves down my back. I would have to thank Silky Yacky later for hooking my hair up this past weekend. My black stilettos were at the foot of the bed. I put them on while snapping my sterling silver long dangle earrings and fixing my diamond necklace Keith brought me a year ago for Christmas. One last look in the mirror and I was on my way downstairs.
Right on time, the doorbell rang. I lit the last few candles and went for the door. Keith was standing there looking good; all 6 inches of him; fresh hair cut. He wore a fad with waves that I loved to run my hands through but he was standing in sweats and a T shirt. He didn’t look like he was ready for a romantic evening. I hoped my ring was in his pocket though.

“Hey Babe. Ummm you did say romantic, right?” He walked in without a word. “Everything ok? How do I look?” I spun around but Keith looked like he was about to faint. “Baby, what’s wrong?”
“Kamilya we need to talk.” He only called me Kamilya, my government name when it was serious.”
“Ok” I slowly said.
“Look.” He paused, turned his face from me and then spoke again. “I came over here to tell you I’m ending this.” He finally spoke.
“Ending what?”
“Our relationship, it’s over.”
Of course, the black girl from the hood came out. “Come again. You what?” I said shaking my head like my mama used to do when my daddy started acting up.
“Kami, I’m sorry. It’s over. I’m in love with someone else. I can’t be with you. Our relationship is over.”

Stay tuned for Episode 2 next Friday! Leave your comments on this episode below.