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Friday, May 21, 2010

Episode 10 All is Fair in Love and War

I was nervous as hell to meet up with Keith. I really didn’t want him back but I knew this was the only way to find out where his money was so Kareem and I could get paid and I more importantly get my revenge. I took a sip of my wine and relaxed a bit as I dialed his number. He answered on the first ring.

The scene had played in Keith's head...over and over again. The Kiss. It wasn't just a friendly kiss, but a kiss that seemed to say "this is the start of something good". He paced the floor for about ten minutes now, trying to forget that he was responsible for Kami getting with Kareem. He was totally through with Michelle now, even though he gave her permission to bring in any girls to occupy Andre and Kareem. Well, Kami was a bad choice, and now he was regretting everything about Michelle.

The phone rang. He quickly saw Kami's name on the ID, and answered the phone.
"...Hello? Kami?"
“Yeah it’s me” I hesitated. “How are you?”
"Good, now that you called. You know, you've been on my mind a great deal lately...I was wondering if we could talk...you know, about how things fell apart?" Keith was actually nervous.
“Wow I’m shocked to hear you say that. I didn’t think you wanted anything to do with me.” I was smiling on the inside. He played right into it. “But yeah we can definitely talk. I’m not doing anything at the moment. Wanna hook up for drinks or something?” I asked.
"Drinks, yeah cool, drinks will be fine." Keith started to smile, but remembering that kiss cut it short. "I'll pick you up in half an hour? There's something I think we should discuss."
“Ok see you in a little while.” Keith and I cut our convo short. I quickly called Kareem to give him an update then I got in the shower to get ready for Keith.

Keith was starting to get those ol' feelings back once he saw Kami coming to the car. He could smell her favorite perfume even before she got into the car. She gave him a side-ways glance once she got in the seat...with a hint of a smirk. Keith played it off, but that look always got him excited. T-Pain was playing on the stereo...Kami gently bouncing to the beat, as Keith drove to the restaurant. No words were spoken, only quick glances at each other.

Keith ordered a strawberry daiquiri for Kami, and a Long Island Tea with a shot of Patron for himself.

"So, you never told me why you gave me a call."
I laughed. “That’s because you took the words right out of my mouth. You’ve been on my mind and I…I…miss you. I miss us you know? I tried getting involved with someone else but it didn’t work. I figured out just last night that we belong together, Keith. I know you have your reasons for leaving which you never told me but I feel like we can start over right. Try again.”
Was I hearing her right? Keith almost worded his thoughts as he couldn't believe that Kami was feeling him like he was feeling her.
"Baby listen, I screwed up. I threw away five years of us, and have regretted every moment since then. The reason that I...that I left was that I was on a power trip. I realize now that it was a huge mistake on my part to neglect you like that." Keith lifted up Kami's chin to get a better look into her eyes. "Kami, can you forgive me?"
“You always knew how to woo me. You always knew exactly what to say to make things alright. Yes I forgive you but don’t let it happen again.” Keith and I reached over the table and kissed for what seemed like ages. It felt so familiar and for a second I was regretting was I was doing to him. But I remembered what he’d put me through, how he did and me and used dumb Michelle. I stopped and sighed. Keith looked at me as if he was asking what’s the matter. “I got so much going right now.” I told Keith. “ I’m stressed and…I just need to get away. I wanna leave here for a while. I wish I had a large amount of money to just pack up and go and get away from here for a few months maybe years.”

This was it. This was the chance that Keith was waiting for. In less than two weeks, the counterfeit clothing operation was going to be over...with his share of a million dollars added to his already swelling bank account. Money was not going to be an object to him anymore. He was getting back his true love, someone he never thought would want to be with him again after the way he treated her.
"Kami, if you are truly serious about getting away, I can make that happen. I can make us happen again. Money is no object. In fact, you will never want again...I got you baby." Keith moved in for the kiss again, and did it ever feel right. He looked at Kami and smiled, realizing that he just got his life back.
“Really? You have money like that? When can we leave? I’m ready now!” I acted as if I was excited about leaving but on the inside was eager to find out where that money was. “I don’t care where we go Keith. We can get married, have a family, whatever. I just wanna be with you.”
Keith laughed at Kami. He had never seen her so excited before. "Yes I got it like that. Call it, making good investments. I'm ready, too, but let's give it two weeks, ok? I wanna get things situated with my business contacts, and then we can pick up where we left off at."
“Ok well I got a busy morning tomorrow at work, plus I need to give my two week notice. I need to get home. I don’t mean to cut the night short but you know how my boss is about deadlines.”
"Yes I know. You're still doing your writing thang. Good, good...ok listen. I wanna show you something before I take you home." Keith moved onto the bench that Kami was sitting on, and cuddled up to her, whispering. "Baby I've kept this from you for too long. I feel I need to show you where I spent most of my time when I wasn't with you. You see, I own a little cottage about twenty-five miles from here, and...and this is where I kept my money. Well it's our money now, babe. I wanna share everything I have with you from now on." Keith saw the look on Kami's face. He was relieved that he could finally tell her his little secret.
“WOW Keith I didn’t know. Baby are we rich???” I could feel my phone buzzing in my purse. I knew it was Kareem wondering what I was still doing with Keith. I had to get home quick to give him the news.
"Well you can say that," Keith said as he laughed with Kami. He noticed her checking her watch. "Ok, I'll tell you what. It is getting late, and I do know how that boss of yours can be. So we'll make that trip tomorrow." After a final drink, they got back in the Lexus, and headed back to Kami's. They kissed like long lost lovers, for about a good five minutes before Kami walked up the front steps and into to house. The image popped into Keith's head for a moment, then disappeared. She was all his now.

Once I got into the house, my first call was to Kareem. He was too excited that I’d mastered the plan and said we’d meet up soon to go over the details of our next move. I got ready for work and slept like a baby.


Andre checked the time again. He got in late from his lunch break, much to the dismay of Carlos, who was doing some paperwork in the small office overlooking the warehouse. There was still about an hour and a half left until work ended, but Andre needed to leave out early. He finished working on the computer, and generated some documents...but not for the job he was suppose to be doing. He looked over to Carlos again...Carlos giving him a dirty look then going back to his work. Kareem was in his own world, off and on the phone, being quiet for some reason. If I was going to be on time, I would have to leave now, thought Andre. Despite whatever work he had left, he gathered his things, including the documents he just signed.
"Kareem, I'll meet you back at the motel room. I'm just not feeling well enough to finish out the day," Andre lied.
"Don't matter me none," said Kareem. "But of course big bro's gonna have a problem with it."
"I'm not worried about him. I do enough around here to at least be granted a little time off early every now and then." Andre put on his best sick look, and went up to Carlos. "Hey man, I'm out. Must have been that Mickey D's I had earlier that's making me sick."
Carlos gave Andre a mean stare. "Alright, but you better get here early tomorrow. We want this shipment ready by noon."
"No problem bro. I'll be ready," said Andre, who was holding his stomach for effect. Once he got back to the room, he changed into a business suit. He carried the clothes he was wearing back to the car then took off for downtown Atlanta.
He just made it on time, seeing the bank employees he saw earlier, milling out to the street. Andre hurried to the entrance, getting a quick look at the employee board...seeing "Flex" Willingham's picture next to his title of Financial Advisor. He took out the documents, and walked into the bank, passed the guard, who looked like he was ready to leave. Sitting in the office just down the hall, Flex himself was ready to leave. Once he got to the door, he stopped. Andre was blocking his way, with the document he generated in his hand.
"Mr. Willingham...good evening sir. I believe you will want to stick around for a while," said Andre as he handed a confused Flex the documents.

Be sure to read "Crimes of Passion in the ATL" with Keith, Kareem, Carlos & Andre. http://provocatived.blogspot.com

Dominique Watson and Darryl Mims are bringing their series together. Watch as the action unfolds and the characters come together!