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Friday, May 14, 2010

Episode 9 Set the Trap

I was running late for me and Kareem’s meeting. I had a late meeting that I had to attend and couldn’t leave. I called Kareem in the car and told him I would be about twenty minutes late.

When I arrived at Starbucks, he was sitting at a table near the front window sipping a drink and checking his phone.
“Sorry, I’m late. That meeting was mandatory.”
"Hey no problem, you look refreshing for someone who's been rushing," said Kareem. Kami smiled then sat down with Kareem. "So, let's get back to what we were talking about before we were interrupted. You said you know that Keith has his cash hidden in a safe house. I wanna help you as much as I can to get back at him, because he dumped my bro some years ago. That wasn't cool. So, this safe house...where would that be at?"
“That I don’t know. I’ve only been to his house. He’s never taken me anywhere special I mean like another house or place he has so I wouldn’t know.” I sat my purse on the chair and turned back to face Kareem to see what his plans were.
Kareem thought for a moment, then looked at Kami, who was patiently waiting for him to speak. He wasn't feeling this idea of his but knew it was probably the best way to find the money.
"Here's what I got. What if you were to...hook up with him again?" Kami's mouth was wide open, ready to protest, but Kareem stopped her. "Hold on! Give me a second. So you hook up with him again, and see if you can get more info on where this place is at. Just lead him on enough for him to start trusting you again. You think he'll believe that you still wanna be together?"
“What!” I thought. I don’t want this man. Not after what he did to me. “I don’t know Kareem. I’m really not trying to go there with him.” Kareem gave me a look that said this is our only way. “Alright, maybe I could try. I’ll call and see if he wants to hook up or something; no strings attached and see where it goes. But if it fails, that’s it. We are coming up with a new plan. But if it works, what’s your next move?” I looked at my phone that said I had about fifteen minutes to get back to work.
"If it works, then you lead me to the cash." Kami just looked at Kareem, not understanding where he was going with this. "Listen, you get him to trust you enough to show you where he keeps his stash. I mean, you had a five year relationship with him. There's gotta be something that you can persuade him with to lead you to the money." Kareem cringed at the thought of what that could be. "So do that and I will follow him. You think you can do that?"
“Alright, I can do that. I’ll give him a call tonight. See what he says and get back to you. Look I gotta get back to work. I’m late already. “Kareem and I stood at the same time. “I sure hope I’m involving myself with someone I can really trust. The last time I gave my all to a man he turned on me. I hope it’s not the same this time.”
“Hey, I know you've been hurt. I can see it in your eyes, but know this: I will never do that to you. I have no motivation to hurt you, and walk away. My motivation is to satisfy you, and make sure you stay happy. Is that good enough for you? Look into my eyes, Kami, and tell me what you see." Kareem stared at Kami's watery eyes, wishing he could make everything better.
“Ok. I can live with that but only time will tell.” I gave Kareem a soft kiss and headed out the door. It was time to get things going with Keith.

The bank's windows reflected the morning sun onto Andre's face. He covered his eyes enough to see the "Bank of America" lettering above the entrance. He didn't know whether to go inside and see if he could spot this Flex dude, or to just wait. But time was precious, and in less than two weeks he wanted to have what he felt he deserved. He decided to wait, so he walked pass the sign, up the street. He never noticed Shanese, who was walking in the opposite direction.
“Andre? What are you doing here?” Shanese noticed Andre standing in front of the bank. She had Lil Mark in her arms as She was about to meet Flex for lunch.
"Shanese..." said Andre, taken totally by surprise. "I was, ah, just taking a break from work and wanted to grab something to eat. What brings you this way?"
“The same. About to have lunch with Flex. I haven’t had the chance to see him all week and wanted to spend a little time with him. I’m sorry I haven’t called.” Shanese stopped before continuing. “But umm, I’ll call soon, ok?” If Flex saw Shanese talking to Andre, he would think something was up so Shanese ended the conversation quickly.
"O-okay, yes, we'll meet up soon," said Andre nervously as Shanese quickly walked into the bank with her son. He walked across the street...and waited. Within five minutes Shanese exited the bank, with a man holding the boy this time. Flex, Andre said to himself. He gave a half smile, no knowing what this dude looked like. He turned away, walking away from the happy-looking family, into McDonald's. His mind was working hard, coming up with a variety of ways to "meet" Flex. He laughed to himself. Time suddenly was working in his favor.

While Michelle was ending her last affair her husband James was making plans to end their marriage. He had a feeling for months that his wife was having an affair. He knew she was too beautiful to be faithful and way too young to act like a decent wife. A few weeks ago he’d hired a PI to follow his wife around and see what she does throughout the day. He’d gotten the results a few days ago that proved his feelings were right. And now he was planning to divorce her and leave just as she came into his life. With nothing.
Be sure to read "Crimes of Passion in the ATL" with Keith, Kareem, Carlos & Andre. http://provocatived.blogspot.com
Dominique Watson and Darryl Mims are bringing their series together. Watch as the action unfolds and the characters come together!