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Friday, April 2, 2010

Episode 3 Blackmail

By the time I got home that night from partying and drinking with Kami and Shanece it was three in the morning and James was fast asleep. We owned a seven bedroom house in Marietta Georgia. All of the staff was gone. I pulled my Burgundy Mercedes into our four car garage and cut the engine off. I didn’t drink much at the club because I was nervous as hell about me and Keith. Kami would have a fit if she found out we were together. I took a few minutes to think before I finally walked into the house.

It was dark and quiet as I walked in. I put my keys on the table in the kitchen. My shoes came off as I hit the door and then I tip toed upstairs. James was sound asleep. Of course he was. He was never up past 9:30, his bed time. I walked to our walk in closet and bathroom. It was about as big as our master bedroom.
Marrying James three months ago was a dream come true for me, money wise. James was the owner of several hotels and resorts on the east coast. He brought in millions of dollars a year. That’s why I was able to splurge as much as I did. Money is everything; money and sex. I have to have each equally or their will be hell to pay. James was great with the pockets but horrible in bed. Missionary only. Nothing more. I couldn’t even get or give oral sex. What the hell was that about? Yes I knew all this before I said I do. But his pockets spoke volumes to me and I couldn’t turn it down.

At the time, I was living with my broke Mama and Daddy in Decatur; working a minimum wage job at the mall and was on break walking through Lenox Mall when we accidentally bumped into each other. I don’t know whose fault it was.
“Oh I’m sorry. I wasn’t paying attention.” I said as my drink went flying out of my hand and on to the floor thankfully.
“Wow, you are beautiful. “ James said as we both got ourselves together from the run in. “I hope you’re not shopping alone.” James being fifteen years older than me looked good for forty one. Medium build, brown skinned, curly short hair. He had to have some Indian or something in his family. I’m sure he hit the gym a few times a week. Sexy as hell was all I had to say.
“I’m actually on break. I’m sorry about that.” We stared at each other for what seemed like hours. “Um I have to get back to work.” Before I could leave he turned me around and put some money into my hang.
“You’re too beautiful to be working.” I watched him turn away and walk off. I opened my hand to $500. I had never seen so much money. Of course a few months after that we were married and honeymooned in Brazil. My parents thought it was the worst mistake of my life. I didn’t know this man from shit. But I married him anyway. James is a good man. He never mistreats me. The sex is just horrible. So for that I find my fulfillment elsewhere and I’m satisfied with that.
I’d been talking to Ray long before I got married and Ray knew about the marriage. We just did our thing on the side. Kami kept telling me that she knew I was messing with Ray long before I got married but I never told her the truth. Some things you need to keep to yourself. So about a month ago, I ran into Keith at a friend of mines party. I was drunk, he was drunk. A one night stand but an awesome one nightstand. At least I thought it was going to be a one nightstand until I started canceling my “meetings” with Ray to go see Keith. It became sex every day. Yes everyday at the Hilton Room 109. For whatever reason I couldn’t resist him. I would try to tell Keith we needed to end it but he would threaten to tell Kami. He started demanding money out of me. That was what happened last night when he said “It pays to be the boss…boss” He knew I had to be in control of everything and if I was going to be in control of everything I had to pay him.

Yeah he was blackmailing me and I had no idea how I was gonna get out of this. I finally got into bed with James after a hot shower. He habitually put his arm around me and I fell asleep.

The next morning I was awakened by our maid Mrs. Finelle. “Come on young lady. No sleeping in.” She said in her French voice.
“Mrs. Finelle it’s eleven in the morning. Please come back later.”
“You sleep in too much. Get up and get out of here. I have work to do.” She said.
A few minutes later I got up to brush my teeth and wash my face. I was in need of food. James of course was gone already. I hadn’t heard him leave the house as he normally did at six.
When I got downstairs to the breakfast table to eat whatever breakfast food our cook had made, I picked up my iphone to check my messages; one from Keith of course reminding me of our “meeting” at three and a message from Shanece. I quickly called her back.
“What’s up?” She answered.
“I got your message.”
“Oh nothing I’m about to get my nails done; wanted to see if you wanted to ride.” I looked down at my nails that did need a fill in.
“Yeah we can do that. You picking me up or I need to meet you there?”
“Naw I’m right down the street. Be there in a few.” I ran upstairs to get dressed and reminded the staff that my friend was coming. I was ready in thirty minutes.
After getting our nails done, Shanece got a call from her baby daddy. She asked if I wanted to ride across town to his house to pick up her son. I said yeah but told her we had to make it quick. I had other plans later.


While Michelle waited in the car for me to pick up Lil Mark, I rang the doorbell waiting for Mark to answer the door. It took forever and a day for someone to come to the door. He lived in Bankhead with his Daddy. But Mark nor his dad came to the door. It was some chick we looked like she was about to pop from being pregnant.
“Hey Lil Mark be ready in a minute.” She said.
“Who the hell are you?” I quickly said to her.
“Trina who? Who are you here for?” But before she could answer Mark walked up behind him with Lil Mark in his arm.
“Come on Lil Man. I’ll walk ya’ll out.” Mark stood over six feet talk with a tank top on and blue jeans. His Jordan’s of course were fresh. Damn he was sexy I thought. But never mind that. Who’s the bitch at the door?
“Who was that?” I finally asked as we reached my car.
“Don’t worry about it. What up Michelle.”
“Hey Mark. Michelle threw her hand back. The window was down so she could hear our conversation.
“I am worried about it if she around my son and she pregnant. Who is she?”
“Damn Nece, you always comin’ around here with that loud mouth and drama. Damn, tone it down a bit. Look Lil Mark about to be a big brother.” He threw his head back in a nonchalant way.

Before I knew it my hand was across his face. “I know you ain’t been sleepin’ with her while you been sleepin’ with me. I thought we had an agreement Mark.”
“That will be the last time you put your hands on me. We ain’t got no damn agreement. You always wanna be in control of shit. That’s my son. My only obligation is to him. I don’t owe you shit. I do as I please. That’s my girl and she’s having my baby. End of story. Get over it and make sure my son is here next weekend to see me.” I turned to grab him but somehow Michelle had gotten out of the car and stood in between me and my opportunity of hitting him.

I couldn’t believe it. He was having a baby with someone else.
“Don’t worry about him Shanece. Move on. You already got someone else so just let it go.” My friend tried to console me. I did have someone else. I’d been dating another guy for almost a year now but still had ties to Mark. Flex was getting tired of my drama with Mark and threatened to leave if I didn’t act like a woman about the situation and let him go. Well I guess Flex had nothing to worry about now. It was officially over.